Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why We Are Going to Atlanta

This is the first time we have gone away from home for a Divine Design mission trip.  I had questions in my mind about going so far away when some of the most needy people in the country live in our own city.  But, from the first day this was suggested, I had no doubt that God was calling us to Atlanta.  

I wanted to know about the college kids we are going to serve.  They do not brag on the work they do, so I had to research.  On top of being in college, they run a couple ministries to the kids of inner city Atlanta.  Here are some of the things they do:

On the same day and time each week, a Metro trailer pulls into a neighborhood to tell the story of Christ to children who would otherwise not hear of His hope.  The Metro Kidz trailer converts into a mobile stage as Metro staff and volunteers begin a life changing program. Through games, songs, bible lessons and personal relationships, the children are taught purpose and vision. 

After School Tutoring-  Metro Kidz has an after school tutoring program that helps kids to stay focused on their education and to have more one on one time with Metro Kidz staff throughout the week.

Visitation -Every Saturday, the Metro Kidz staff goes to the kids homes in the projects to follow up with them, invite them to church, and establish themselves as a solid and constant presence in their lives. This also gives them an opportunity to get to know the kids and their parents better.

Safe Haven-  Safe Haven acts as an emergency escape for children in direct harm. The child is removed from danger placed in our Safe Haven home while the issue is resolved and their home is restored. 

Kids Church - Every Sunday morning, over 60 kids attend the Atlanta International Church, where they will join in worship and prayer with the entire church before attending "Metro Kidz." In their own special service, they will sing songs, play games, color, watch videos, play outside and most importantly, learn important lessons about Jesus and the Christian life.

The average age to know someone (or have witnessed it) who has been shot is 5 yrs old in the city of Atlanta. Atlanta is number 3 in the world for child prostitution (#1 in the U.S.). About 95% of the kids we minister to come from single mom homes and have experienced more tragedy than any child should ever experience.

They work selflessly in the neighborhood every week.  The work they do is not easy, and it is endless.  It is our prayer to be able to encourage them in some small way with a comfortable living space.  They deserve so much more.

Prayer Needs:
  • Please pray for strength, endurance and compassion for the 47 students living in the ten-plex
  • Pray for the kids of inner city Atlanta
  • Pray for God's provision of the people and things that will make this mission trip a success

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